Read This!

24 January 2011

Dawning The Age.

"The One Who Rises Above The Odds;
Is The Unique One;
Of Them All!"

Under The Blanket Of Sins,
The Deeds Of Evil & Unholy;

Lie Some...Who Will Rise And Fight For Just Rule!
But Only Few Will Be Capable To Lead From The Front Lines....

Under The Leadership Of One...The Unique One!

"He Who Rises Above The Tides,
Fights The Waves Of Turbulent Times....
Is A Prince...."

Prince Senixter!

19 January 2011

In The Dark Age....!

It Roams Free.....It Is In Search Of A Medium Through Which It Can Enter The Known World.....The Mystical World Of Mythisia!

"It Has Entered The Planet Iyonka....Now Finding A Place To Survive But In Hiding!"

Danger Is Looming Large Over The Protecting Forces Of Mythisia....Peace In The World Is Just Hanging By A String!

Some Will Rise......Some Will Fall Prey To The Dark Forces!

But Only The Chosen Ones Remain To Witness The Wrath Of Helmhovolt-The Titan!
There Is No Turning Back......Once Taken A Step Ahead!.....Has To Reach The End!
Be It Result In Victory For Good....Or EVIL!
Be Gods Favour Them.....Amen....!

16 January 2011

Quotes From The Faraway Wonderland Of Krasim!

" The Flavours Of The Food Alters With Every New Coming Season...Thus Is Mother Nature So Close To Krasim!"

Krasim - "Mother Nature's Abode"

12 January 2011

The Encounter...!

Phew! He Seemed Not To Stop, Even After, He Lost The Chase Long Back. His Breath Came In Long Gasps. "Safe....Now I Am Safe!", He Said This Breathing Heavily. Grishm Is Of A Heavy And Bold Physique. The Woods Were Getting Skinnier. He Kept Running Towards The Ends Of Redwoods, From Where He Could See Some Light Penetrating Through. Sunrays Had Broken Through The Thick Dense Defense Of The Redwoods. Grishm's Eyes Gleamed With Joy, As He Left The Darkness Behind Him. He Pushed Himself To The Limits. Darkness Would Engulf His Eyes Quite Often Due To The Fatigue.
He Would Be Out Of These Darn Ancient Redwoods, Soon.....?
He Would Be Safe From All The Unseen Dangers....?
He Shall Be Back Into The Lands Of Ethirime......?
But Only If, There Are No More Hindrances In His Way To Escape & Freedom......!