Read This!

02 March 2011

Springtime In Allania....!

A Gold-beak Sparrow Sang In Its Melodious Chirp;
Nestled On The Heights Of AN Old Cedar....
Hopping Through The Grasslands In A Rhythmic Manner;
A Rabbit Disappeared Into Its Burrow, Probably Sighting A Predator Nearby....
An Allanian Brunbern Yawned And Welcomed The Very First Rays Of Gold;
Entering Its Cave After A Prolonged Chill....

Life Is Buzzing In Just About Everything In Allania;
From Its Mighty Mountains To Its Dark Deep Valleys;
From Its Grasslands To Its Tall Unending Skies....

Nature Is All Set To Don A New Look;
The Grasslands Will Unshackle The Bounds Of White & Will Be Swept By The Blanket Of Yellow!

So Are The Inhabitants Of Allania, Rejoicing The Onset Of Spring;
" The Warlocks "
A Race As Old As The Land Of Allania Itself, Gears Up To Usher Into A New Phase Of Life;
In The World Of Mythisia.

This Period, When The Frost Breaks Its Forces In A Tussle Against Nature,
The Mighty Sun-God Will Take Over The Reins Of The Chariot Of Life!

Its Springtime Again! In Allania!