Read This!

12 September 2012

UPDATE 3 : Engage on the Blog

UPDATE 3 : Engage on the Blog
  • No Blog can be Successful & Happening without an enthusiastic community ( You! The Readers! )
  • How do you Engage? We have added a lot of elements on the Blog through which you can interact with the Content on the Blog.
  • You can COMMENT on the posts! [ Comment your Views below each post ]
  • You can Tag it INTERESTING, FUNNY or COOL! [ Find relevant checkboxes below each post ]
  • Liked the Post; SHARE IT! [ click on icons below each post to share it to Facebook, Twitter or E-mail ]
PLEASE, Engage & Interact with the Blog.
We are anxious to HEAR from you. We want you to DISCUSS on the Blog.
Lets Make Our Blog Even More Happening!

06 September 2012

UPDATE 2 : Write to us

UPDATE 2 : Write to us
  • Hey; there is a lot happening behind the scenes @ Enigmatic-Era. Just moments after we announced our New Blog @; here we are! with another update.
  • Fantasy and Creativity is all about "Letting your Imagination Fly", "Think the Unthinkable" and I believe it is all about Collaborations as well.
  • And WE ARE LISTENING! Yes! We want to know, what do you think about Us! The Blog! The Content! 
  • Please Write to us about Your experience @ our Blog at
Thank you! 

UPDATE 1 : New Blog

UPDATE 1 : New Blog
  • Its my immense pleasure to inform you that after being present on the Blogger platform for over four years; we are now expanding our presence on the web.
  • We have launched our Blog on @
  • Our Blogs on Wordpress and Blogger will run simultaneously; both will feature its own distinct content but majority of the mainstream articles will be uniform accros both the Blogs.
  • Blog on wordpress will help us expand our audience and also allow us to showcase the content distinctively; Who doesn't like flavor ;-)
Thank you!

Light at the end of the tunnel!

Yes! Indeed we can see the Light at the end of the tunnel; well! after alomst over four years of Creative Genius...put into creating this Wonderful World of Iyonka and Writing the First segment of the Enigmatic Era Series.
Its feels so good to inform you ( Our Readers & Fantasy Lovers); that we are Approaching the last leg of the writing process for the first book of the Enigmatic-Era Series; "The Awakenings"! Yay.!
Its truly encouraging that we have been getting constant views on our Blog Posts and alongwith that, the readership just keeps on increasing even as we speak. Thank you!
Please share our blog with minds alike; be it your friends/colleagues/family.
Visit the Blog often; Yes i know we dont update it daily or even weekly, so there is not much to read.
But i assure you that once i finish writing the first book; we will update the Blog even more frequently.
Thank you for your support; Hail Iyonka!